Sixty years ago Volvo started fitting a safety product to their cars that has gone on to save an estimated 1 million lives. That product was the three point safety belt, one of the single most important vehicle safety devices.
It’s due to a very un-corporate like Volvo quirk that the safety belt’s life saving success isn’t just down to being fitted to Volvos but more because it was eventually fitted to all cars. The Swedish car manufacturer shared its design with all car manufacturers for free in the interests of improving safety for everyone.
60 years later and Volvo are still sharing their work around safety. The launch of their new EVA project (Equal Vehicles for All) continues in the sharing tradition and focuses on inequality in vehicle safety. It turns out if you’re a man your car is safer for you than it is for a woman due to most crash test dummies being modelled on men. Volvo has been working on making vehicles safer for everyone regardless of gender, height, weight and shape in its massive crash testing facility and it’s sharing the data with everyone.
From 2020 Volvo’s vision is that nobody will die or be seriously injured in a new Volvo. That’s a lofty goal but for a company as famous for safety as Ferrari is for speed if anyone can, they can. And then there will be no excuse for other car manufacturers to achieve the same goal as all of Volvo’s research will be available for all to use.
View Volvo's for sale at Turners.
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