
Wolf in Dad’s Cardigan - 28th October, 2016

It may look like the equivalent of dad’s cardy with shoulder pads fitted but this mighty Audi RS4 Avant is a bit like Clark Kent – one minute it’s a sedate family wagon, the next it’s a supercar. And it doesn’t need a phone box for the transformation.
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Reviews Auctions

Dream Police - 25th October, 2016

Whether you’re a fan of the Blues Brothers, CHiPs or any number of American movies and TV shows from the eighties, you’ll recognise the black and white police cruiser. It’s as much a part of popular culture as it is part of everyday American life. Owning this car won’t give you the right to arrest criminals, engage in car chases or shoot unarmed innocents but you can but dream.
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News Reviews Auctions

A More Affordable Classic Falcon? 14th October, 2016

It’s all about the Falcons at the moment, what with the last one rolling of the assembly line in Australia last week and then the news of the genuine 1970 GTHO Falcon coming up for auction at Turners soon. The old Aussie Ford hasn’t been this popular in years. Of course the GTHO will be out of most peoples’ reach but there are other opportunities to join the rush to own the now extinct Aussie Icon.
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All Oval Bar the Shouting - 10th October, 2016

The Final Australian Ford rolled off the Broadmeadows assembly line on Friday and on Sunday there was no fairytale Bathurst 1000 victory for the blue oval supporters. Then there was the news that some Ford dealers have been stockpiling the limited edition final run XR8 and are now hiking the retail price to take advantage of teary eyed Falcon lovers. It’s not been a good few days for Ford fans. But it’s not all doom and gloom.
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Future Classic and Screaming Bargain? 7th October, 2016

Playing the “Future Classic” game is tricky but with this 2005 stock standard, low mileage Mazda RX8 it’s a game worth playing for two reasons. Firstly, pretty much every rotary powered Mazda has become collectible and has increased in value over time so the future looks bright for the RX8. Secondly, this is simply a really good car at, potentially, a very good price that’ll be fun to own and drive. So is there a downside?
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News Reviews Auctions

Dotcom Fordcedes Project - 3rd October, 2016

What do you get if you cross a 1967 Ford Mustang with a late model V8 Mercedes? Well Kim Dotcom was keen to find out but never finished the project. Maybe you could be the one to answer the question definitively. Read on...
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News Reviews Auctions Classic Cars


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