So your wagon is full time four wheel drive? That’s nice. This one has full time six wheel drive. Yours is cool though…for 4WD. Did I mention this one is six wheel drive? And it’s a fire engine. It totally trumps your 4WD non-fire engine, not that it’s a competition or anything. Just saying. Maybe you should buy it.
If this isn’t the stuff of childhood dreams then I don’t know what is. If you buy this you’ll be THE coolest parent in the world and the envy of all your mere 4WD owning mates. AND IT’S A FIRE ENGINE!
This 1977 first generation Range Rover is known as, and should always be referred to as, a Fire-Fighting Airfield Crash Rescue 2 Tonne 6×4 Mark 2 Permanent 6 wheel drive All Purpose Rapid Response Fire and Rescue Vehicle or FFACRAPRRFRV for short. They were built in very limited numbers for the British Armed Forces for use on airfields where a rapid response is pretty important. It has Rover’s 3.5 litre V8 and can reach speeds of 150kph, carry 4 tons of stuff, 200 gallons of water and four crew members. And it’s a Range Rover so it’s quite posh.
The Registration on this particular example has lapsed but has previously been registered for the road in NZ and is in very straight condition for its age. Getting it road legal will be possible and it could even go back into active duty as it’s complete with all the cool rapid response stuff. Or it would make a very interesting daily driver that always looks like it’s rapidly responding to something therefore making traffic less of a problem, if you know what I mean.
What’s it worth? Well you’ll get to decide when it is sold online starting this Saturday (28thNov) and ending on December 8th. The vehicle is located at Turners Christchurch.
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