Cheap WRX Project

Cheap WRX Project

Ok, so it looks like somebody went nuts in Repco whilst on a sugar high on this 2000 Subaru Impreza WRX, but under all the loud stuff is a potentially effective track day racer just waiting to be unleashed. With a price guide of $4500 – $5500 it’s a great starting point.

If you’re over the age of thirty this car probably just reminds you of being woken at 2am by blow-off valves and baked bean can exhausts in the hands of young blokes and blokettes fuelled by Red Bull and Bacardi Breezers. They may be loud and obnoxious with often dubious modifications but often the love and money poured into these cars is astounding. It’s a world where returns on investment are measured in Facebook likes and horsepower at the wheels. When it comes time to sell the losses can be eye watering but when you’re young there’s plenty of time to recover and start again. But a smarter way to go is to buy a car that someone has already shovelled thousands of unrecoverable dollars into and start from there.

This WRX could be a perfect track day car project. The bones are there, loads of money has been spent and the mods have a legal “low volume vehicle certificate”. The mechanical report talks about poor engine performance so there’s clearly work to be done and there is room for more development. But the potential is there to have a great track day weapon.

The reason I suggest making this a track day car is because, let’s face it, you’ll lose your licence driving it on the road, maybe even kill yourself. The insurance will cost more than you can afford and you’ll be one of those annoying people that crawls over speed humps at a silly angle holding everyone up. Track days are great fun and not that expensive. They’ll improve your driving and get you focused on how to make the car better without resorting to under-car LED lights and fluffy dice. As an example, Taupo race track have regular track days that cost around $125.

This car is being auctioned at Turners Napier on Wednesday 25th November. 

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