5 Day Moneyback Guarantee

Turners 5-Day Moneyback Guarantee Terms & Conditions


1. General

This offer only applies to private buyers who are buying through the BuyNow channel for private use.

          1.     For clarity this means:

a) vehicles bought through auction or tender are not eligible.

b) buyers who are in trade (motor vehicle dealers) are not eligible.

c) Business purchasing to use for commercial purposes are not eligible.

d)Not all vehicles sold by Turners via the BuyNow channel are eligible for the 5- day moneyback guarantee. Those vehicles that are will be clearly marked.

          2.     If there is any doubt the customer should confirm with a member of the Turners sales team.

a) Acceptance of these terms and conditions will be confirmed by signing a copy to be kept by both the customer and Turners.

b) The Buyer must advise of the decision to return the vehicle in writing and return the vehicle within 5 days of purchase.

          3.     This is determined as being 5 days including the day after the car was purchased.

          4.     For clarity: if the vehicle was paid for on the Monday, the vehicle must be returned to the Turners branch it was purchased from by closing time on the following Saturday.

a) Buyer is not to exceed a maximum of 300km’s in the vehicle over the course of the 5 days.

b) A full refund of purchase price, including ORC if applicable, minus any transport or add on costs (tow bar, band expander etc) will be returned to buyer via bank transfer if all conditions are met.

c) All vehicles returned under Turners moneyback guarantee policy will be subject to a full return inspection.

d) If the vehicle is damaged it is at Turners sole discretion whether the return is accepted or not.

          5.     If Turners does accept the return all charges for damage to or repair of the vehicle will be deducted from the purchase price refund; and any enforcement charges relating to such damage or repairs (including legal costs).

          6.     The vehicle will be repaired by a company approved by Turners.

a) The buyer will be charged for cleaning the vehicle's interior if the vehicle is returned in an excessively dirty condition that requires extra cleaning or deodorizing. This includes, but is not limited to, spillage of fluids, food, vomit, other stains, and unpleasant odours including cigarette smoke.

          7.     These costs will be deducted from the purchase price refund.

2. Vehicle use

a) The buyer will not sublet or hire the vehicle to any other person or allow the vehicle to be used outside his/her authority.

b) The vehicle is not to be used for a commercial enterprise (eg Taxi or delivery services).

c) The buyer will not drive or allow the vehicle to be driven on unsealed roads or beach.

d) Only the fuel type specified for the vehicle will be used.

e) No part of the engine, transmission, braking or suspension systems are interfered with or modified; should a warning light be illuminated and the vehicle requires mechanical attention, the buyer will stop driving and advise Turners immediately.

3. Insurance, Accidents and mechanical repairs

          1.     The buyer must arrange comprehensive insurance upon purchase of the vehicle.

a) If the vehicle is involved in an accident or breaks down, the buyer shall notify Turners of the full circumstances by telephone immediately.

b) The buyer shall not arrange or undertake any repairs without Turners authority.

4. Liability

          1.     The buyer is liable for any loss of, or damage to, the vehicle and its accessories:

a) Any damage/repair costs to vehicles and property of third parties.

b) All penalties related to traffic and/or parking offences are the responsibility of the buyer. Turners undertakes, in the event that Turners receives notice of any traffic or parking offenses incurred by the buyer, to send a copy of any such notice to the buyer and to provide the necessary information to the relevant issuing authority for such notices to be directed to the buyer.

5. Promotional Offers

a) If the vehicle is involved with a promotional offer, the terms and conditions of that promotional offer will apply, such as returning an offer or gift with purchase if you return this vehicle.

I understand and agree to the terms and conditions above and understand that if these terms and conditions are not met, then the moneyback guarantee does not apply. 

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