Got lots of something to sell? We can take care of the entire process for you and will manage every aspect of a sale.

Our General Goods branches specialise in selling bulk lots and excess stock. They are also expert at selling assets when businesses close down or enter receivership or liquidation.

Ways to sell

1) Auction - Put your products on centre stage in front of a national audience in our weekly auctions.  View our upcoming auctions.  With our own website traffic and the exposure achieved via our large Trade Me stores, we will get you the largest audience for your goods.

2) Cash sales - If you have a bulk lot of one kind of product, we can arrange and manage a cash sale on your behalf. Contact your nearest branch for more information.

3) Tender - Effective way to sell speciality assets, price isn't disclosed, you control who purchases

We can relocate, store and secure your stock prior to sale, handle all buyer enquiries and negotiate for you.


Got questions around how to sell?  Read our FAQs

Selling Commerical & Industrial FAQs

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  Interested in buying general goods?  Check out our buying page