Got a damaged or broken car to sell? We've got two ways to you can sell

1) CashNow is perfect if you need money fast and it's super easy - bring it into branch and we'll make you an offer. Call us on 0800 887 637 or book a valuation online, make sure you select the Damaged Car option. If you accept our offer, we'll complete the sale paperwork for you and you’ll have the money in your bank account within 48 hours.

2) Sell a damaged or end of life car in front of a national audience in our weekly auctions - contact your nearest Turners branch to make an appointment, our auction consultant will value your damaged car and help you set a reserve price then we take care of the rest! Once your car is sold, we’ll handle any change of ownership or deregistration and you’ll have the money in your bank account within 48 hours.


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Selling damaged cars FAQs

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  Interested in buying a damaged car?  Check out our buying page