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Monthly Good Oil Newsletter

Love cars?The Good Oil is for you. It has general car information, fun articles, Turners promotions, stories about what's happening in the automotive world and helpful advice. It covers the informational to the weird and wonderful.


Trucks & Machinery

Weekly emails with top truck & machinery listings, auctions, special event emails, bi-monthly trucks newsletter to keep you up to date with Turners and the trucking industry


Damaged & End of Life Cars

Weekly emails containing our main nationwide auction catalogues, special events and special items


Registered Car Dealers

Weekly emails to registered car dealers of the most popular nationwide auction catalogues, sales and special events


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Be the first to know about our Classic Car auctions, special events, sales and interesting cars


Damaged Trucks & Machinery

Subscribe to regular emails with top damaged truck & machinery listings and special event emails


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Special events and sales, commercial and industrial auctions



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The Good Oil blog

If you love cars and the weird and wonderful things that make up the automotive world, make sure you check out our blog.  With weekly posts you can always find something interesting to read. From bargain buys to interesting finds to die hard car fanatics - The Good Oil Blog covers it all.  Visit The Good Oil Blog. 


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