Most Trusted Used Car Dealer!

As voted by you – we are once again proud to be NZ’s most trusted used vehicle dealership.  We’ve sold over 1 million cars to happy Kiwi’s through our dedication to making it easy for our customers.  

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Sell your car the quick and easy way!

Just book a time online that suits you to bring your car in.

Your appointment will take less than 30 minutes, no cost and no obligation to sell.

Book an appraisal

Use our Website Tools

It's quick, simple and we just need a few details from you. We've got a range of tools to help you buy or sell your next car easily.

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Booking a test drive is easy. 

  1. Once you’ve found a car that you’re interested in, you can book a test drive on all BuyNow cars.

  2. Booking a test drive online is done through the vehicle listing page. It’s simple – just click the 'Book a Test Drive' button and fill in your details.


(Example of the button from within a listing, shown below)


(Example of the button from within the search results, shown below)




You tell us when you want to come in, and we’ll have the car ready and waiting for you.

To be able to test drive, you will need to bring your driver's licence with you:

  • You need to have a Restricted or Full licence (or overseas equivalent) to take a test drive. 

At our Christchurch location, take advantage of our dedicated test driving track. In all other branches, one of our team members will join you for a test drive on the road. 

If you’re looking to sell your current car, you can book an valuation for the same time slot  We’ll buy your car, even if you don’t buy one of ours.

  Or if you would prefer to speak to our Customer Support Team please call us on 0800 TURNERS (0800 887 637)

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