Business Finance Application

Get your finance pre-approved and you'll be ready to buy knowing you have the funds to pay for it. That way you won't miss out on a good deal.

Simply fill out our online application form below. It's straightforward and secure. Turners organises car and personal finance through a range of lenders. Finance is subject to the Lenders credit, suitability & affordability criteria. Interest rates and fees may vary between lenders.

Got a question? Call us on 0800 TURNERS or 0800 887 637


Applying as an individual? Please fill out the personal application form

This application has already been submitted. If you would like to update some information, or talk to our staff, please call 0800 TURNERS or 0800 887 637

We have already received a finance application from you recently for this vehicle. If you would like to update some information, or talk to our staff, please call 0800 TURNERS or 0800 887 637

We have already received a finance application for you recently. Do you want to proceed with this application?

1 What's the loan for? Step 1 of 9

-- Select --

-- Select --

  • See all
  • See all
* Indicates required information

2 Business Details Step 2 of 9

* Indicates required information

3 Business Address Details Step 3 of 9

Current Address

* Indicates required information

4 Business Contact Details Step 4 of 9

* Indicates required information

5 Authorised Person/Shareholder/Director Details Step 5 of 9



* Indicates required information

6 Drivers Licence Details Step 6 of 9

-- Select --

Please ensure your name is entered as it is printed on your drivers licence

* Indicates required information

7 Alternate Contact Details Step 7 of 9

This person must not live with you.

Please enter details for at least 2 of the fields below.

* Indicates required information

8 Financial Details Step 8 of 9


Optional: Add Investments
Optional: Add Vehicles
Total Investments: $0
Total Vehicles: $0


Optional: Add Other Liabilities
Total Credit Card Limits: $0


Optional: Add Other Income
Total Other Income: $0


Optional: Add Other Outgoings
Total Credit Card(s): $0
* Indicates required information

9 Declaration and Credit Check Authorisation Step 9 of 9

Online Credit Application Form Terms and Conditions (Terms)

Turners Group NZ Limited

1. Turners Group NZ Ltd (Turners):

(a) is an agent for various lenders and brokers that provide credit or have access to credit providers who provide motor vehicle finance (each

such lender entity a Lender and together the Lenders); and

(b) will receive and provide information between prospective Lenders and me so that I can subsequently enter into an agreement with a Lender to finance the purchase of a motor vehicle.

Purpose of this Application

2. I understand and authorise Turners to use the information provided by me in this application to apply for finance in my name to one or more of the Lenders, including to provide a copy of this application to any prospective Lender.

3. I understand that the Lenders which Turners makes an application to will rely on the information in this application and any other information that I provide to Turners.


4. Turners has explained the type of product the different Lenders offer for motor vehicle finance and those products suit my objectives.

5. Turners has told me which Lenders it has provided this application to.


6. I confirm that the information provided by me in this application is true and correct.

7. I understand that if I do not provide the information sought or the information I provide is incorrect, this may result in my application not being approved.

8. I confirm that I am over 18 years of age, do not have any outstanding traffic, parking or other fines, do not have a criminal record and that I am not an undischarged bankrupt.

Use of Personal Information

9. I authorise Turners and any Lender to use and disclose the personal information in this application to undertake all necessary enquiries and request, collect, check and exchange information (both now and in the future), including but not limited to personal, commercial and financial information about me and references, from any credit reporting agency (CRA), credit provider (including any Lender), the NZTA (NZ Transport Agency), Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Immigration, my employer(s), accountant, legal advisor, any person where disclosure is required by law, or any other source, for the purposes of:

(a) assessing my creditworthiness;

(b)providing credit to me;

(c)  offering me insurance and other services related to any finance agreement I enter;


10. My personal information may be held by a Lender that Turners makes an application to, on my behalf, electronically or in hardcopy in New Zealand or elsewhere.

11. I understand that I have the right under the Privacy Act 2020 to obtain access to and request correction of any information held by Turners and any Lender or CRA.

12. I agree that the Lender or a CRA may use my personal information related to this application for their usual business activities and that a Lender may provide details of any transactions carried out under any agreement I subsequently enter into with the Lender to a CRA and may report any default under that agreement to the CRA as well as using the CRA’s monitoring service to receive and provide updates if any of the information about me changes.

13. I understand and authorise any CRA to:

(a)     hold my information on their systems and use it to provide their reporting service;

(b)     give any information it holds about me to its other customers.

14. If my application is not approved or I decide not to proceed, neither Turners nor any Lender will retain any personal information except as required by law.

15. I understand that I have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information held about me by Turners and any Lender or CRA, and to ask for it to be corrected if I think it is wrong. I understand that I can contact Turners at or PO Box 112022 Penrose Auckland 1642 if I would like a copy of the information Turners holds and to have it corrected.

If my Application is Approved

16. If a Lender approves my application and I want to proceed, I authorise that Lender:

(a)     to send any disclosure statement to my attention by electronic mail to the email address in this application; and

(b) to send any other communication required by electronic mail to the email address in this application and to any other address I ask them to use; an

(c)      at any time, to contact and provide any information about any agreement I have with the Lender, including information about defaults under that agreement, to any person I have listed on the application form as a contact person or next of kin.

17. I understand that:

(a)     Turners charges a dealer introduction fee and receives commission from a Lender if I enter into an agreement with that Lender; and

(b)     Lender’s make all lending decisions.

18. I understand that this application form and these Terms do not constitute a credit contract and that any credit that may subsequently be made available to me by any Lender will be subject to further terms and conditions being entered into between myself and that Lender.


19. I agree that Turners may provide me with unsolicited information about products and services related to motor vehicle financing in electronic form to the email address in this application.

* Indicates required information